10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy
The first one is very appropriate right now:

I have been finding a lot of cheer lately in little things... a frappucino at Starbucks... a good conversation with a friend... making a scrapbook page... getting a new laptop bag that I love! I really think they key to not getting depressed is being able to recognize these little things and be happy about them. Apparently I've been REALLY happy about them. When I got a bunch of my scrapbook pages printed and put them in my album, I hugged it. Hahaha. And when I got my new laptop bag and it turned out to be even more wonderful than I thought... well, I hugged that too! I felt a little silly getting so happy about little things... but reading this article today showed me that it is actually a good thing. So, let's celebrate that... here's some of my new scrapbook pages I've done recently:
And here is my new -Pink!- laptop bag! I just love this bag. A digi-scrapper's dream!

Now it might not be everybody's cup of tea, but I am just loving it. Besides being cute, it has more pockets than I could ever need and it's really great quality. It is cheering me up and I just want to find some place to go hang out tomorrow so I can use the bag and take my laptop somewhere! :)
One more thing that is really making me happy is this blog that just started January 1st... It's all about digital scrapbooking. And it is so chock full of awesome things every single day. It brings a HUGE smile to my face. In fact, this article about happiness was posted on THERE today! That's where I found out about it and that gave me such a pick me up :) If anybody is interested, here's the site - The Daily Digi.
In other news... I think I might have my very first client for my teaching business! My friend Christine who is a digital designer has a good friend who would like to learn digi scrapping. I told her I am not totally set up & ready yet, but that I would gladly teach her friend for half price if she doesn't mind sort of being my guinea pig and letting me sort of figure things out as we go along. I'm waiting to hear back about all of that, but it looks pretty promising. It would be such a great experience for me to have a person to teach as "practice" so to speak.
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