Monday, June 22, 2009


I have been awake for a couple of hours now in the middle of the night. Not sure why, I just feel so awake! I was perusing the internet and checking my Flickr page for new photos from my contacts. I was looking through Matt Logelin's new photos. Matt Logelin has this blog: Matt, Liz and Madeline, that I've been reading for over a year. His wife passed away less than 24 hours after giving birth to their daughter. He is now a single dad raising his daughter, loving her fiercely, and missing his wife every day. His positive attitude humbles me... and yet he does share his darker moments when he misses his wife almost too much to bear, and feels bitter about life being this way for him. I admire his honesty and openness. Reading his blog, I almost feel like I know him. He has a huge following on his blog and has used his bit of fame to benefit other families by starting the Liz Logelin Foundation in honor of his late wife. They run a promotion for $7 on the 7th and urge people to donate to this cause. I am adding a banner to my sidebar and I will be posting this again on the 7th as a reminder, if anyone is able to be so generous! Anyway, on to the point of this post which is I have been wanting to scrapbook a page of Madeline for quite some time, and tonight I saw a photo of her that I just loved. I scrapped this page in under an hour.. the inspiration had struck :)

I left a comment on his blog with a link to the page... I hope he enjoys it. Anyway that's all for now, just wanted to share. I really should go back to bed, now.