Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Layouts & Teaching

I scrapped a new page today - FINALLY! It had been almost a month! I used the cute photos of Melissa & me from last week and a great freebie kit I found today from this blog Stolen Moments.
Soon To Be Sisters

I also have this two-pager to share. I actually did this one at the beginning of the month but had forgotten to post about it.
Trial Ridge and Bear Lake
Trial Ridge and Bear Lake
Trial Ridge and Bear Lake

The photos from that layout are from August 2007 when we went into Rocky Mountain National Park with my aunt and grandma.

Those are all I have in the way of new layouts to share. It's been a busy month and not a lot of time for scrapping. But I am feeling the mojo coming back :)

I got to have my first experience in teaching digital scrapbooking over the holidays! My aunt has been wanting to learn, and I gave her some lessons. I didn't have my lesson plan all done or handouts to give her, so I was totally winging it. But I basically took things in the same order that I will be teaching classes. It was easier with her than it will be with a complete newbie, because she is somewhat familiar with photoshop tools and things like that.

I have to say, it was SO MUCH FUN to help her learn, and to see how happy she got when she completed her first page and realized she could do it! I think I will really enjoy teaching this to people. I did decide that I would like to start out with one-on-one lessons before I try to tackle a small group. It will help me gain the experience I need.

I guess overall I am just happy to see that this is something I will enjoy :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

More Scrapping

Some MORE scrapping! Kind of all over the place...a page from Christmas 2006, Ian's New Zealand trip in April 2007, and a layout from our Fraser trip April 2008 as well as an additional engagement page from that trip. Hope you enjoy!!

Fernandez Family & Us 2006

New Zealand

New Zealand (Left)

New Zealand (Right)

Fraser Trip

Fraser Trip (Left)

Fraser Trip (Right)

I Said Yes!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tea Party Pages and More

Wow it's been a while since I got any pages done! First of all, I did these first three about a month to 6 weeks ago. The first two pager is from a small family gathering with some distant relatives which took place in August 2007 (Yep I am waaay behind.) The 3rd one is from my birthday tea party, September of this year.
Mini Family Reunion - 2pgs
Mini Family Reunion (Right Side)
Mini Family Reunion (Left Side)
Sarah Tea Party Scrapbook Page

So I had started off the tea party pages with that one of Sarah, but then I didn't touch the project again until this week. I used some quick pages to get these done - I'm pretty happy with them...

Tea Party Scrapbook Pages

Tea Party Scrapbook Pages

Tea Party Scrapbook Pages

Tea Party Scrapbook Pages

Tea Party Scrapbook Pages

So I'm feeling good that I'm finally getting back into my scrapping. There is SO MUCH I want to do! I really really REALLY want to finish off my 2007 album and of course my Greece and Turkey album. I think oh 2008 isn't so bad because we're still in it... then I realize it will only by 2008 for another 7 weeks... holy crap! So much to do. SO SO MUCH. I would freaking LOVE to be caught up, but does that EVER happen????

I got my 8x8 prints in from MyPicTales.... still waiting on the 12x12 prints. I placed my order October 5th so this waiting game is making me mad. I guess it's worth it with a coupon for 100 free prints, but I don't see myself continuing to use their service after this. Maybe for bound books but that's it! I'm going back to my beloved Costco.

It was nice getting the 8x8 prints though, because I've never really SEEN them before. I always thought 8x8 would be too small for me to enjoy them... but I actually do like them a lot. After I finish 2007, 2008, and Greece/Turkey I might switch to 8x8 fully for future stuff. Except maybe vacation albums.

Here's my 8x8 prints:

8x8 Scrapbook Prints

8x8 Scrapbook Prints

That's all for now... more soon, I hope!

Friday, October 17, 2008

For My Dad

If You Had Left Me

I made a scrapbook page with a picture or two from when my dad was in the hospital. I went to start writing the journaling for the page, and a poem just poured out of me. It may not be a stunning work of poetic art by any means, but for me it was the perfect way to express myself. I plan to give him a framed copy of the scrapbook page when it's done, so he will know how I feel.

If you had left me...
There would be a huge hole in my heart
It would be so unbearable
for us to be apart.

If you had left me...
I would not be complete
With so much left to learn
And you not here to teach me

If you had left me...
A light would have gone out
I don't know how I'd learn to be
in a world that is without

If you had left me...
It would have been much to soon
There's so much left for us to see
So much left for us to do

If you had left me...
I'd have to pull it together and move on
although it would be difficult
you've taught me to be strong

If you had left me...
It would feel like life was done
But I know I would eventually heal
and I know life would go on

If you had left me...
I would just want you to know
Although I'll miss and love you forever
I am prepared for when you go

If you had left me...
I'd want you to understand
I would be okay because
you have made me who I am.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Greece & Turkey Pages

I've accomplished a few more layouts for my Greece and Turkey album. Not nearly as many as I would have liked, but gotta start somewhere :) First we have Kellie and I in the airport ready to embark on our adventure...our hotel in Athens and the little time we spent there before getting on the cruise ship!
Airport & Athens Day 1
Airport & Athens
Athens Day 1

Next is our first look around the cruise ship, checking out our surroundings and getting ready to set out!
CruiseShip 2pg Layout
CruiseShip Pg1
CruiseShip Pg2

Next, here are the pictures from our first time at sea.
Out to Sea - 2 pgs
Out to Sea (Left Side)
Out to Sea (Right Side)

That's all I've gotten done so far. I'm itching to do more!