Wow it's been a while since I got any pages done! First of all, I did these first three about a month to 6 weeks ago. The first two pager is from a small family gathering with some distant relatives which took place in August 2007 (Yep I am waaay behind.) The 3rd one is from my birthday tea party, September of this year.
So I had started off the tea party pages with that one of Sarah, but then I didn't touch the project again until this week. I used some quick pages to get these done - I'm pretty happy with them...
So I'm feeling good that I'm finally getting back into my scrapping. There is SO MUCH I want to do! I really really REALLY want to finish off my 2007 album and of course my Greece and Turkey album. I think oh 2008 isn't so bad because we're still in it... then I realize it will only by 2008 for another 7 weeks... holy crap! So much to do. SO SO MUCH. I would freaking LOVE to be caught up, but does that EVER happen????
I got my 8x8 prints in from MyPicTales.... still waiting on the 12x12 prints. I placed my order October 5th so this waiting game is making me mad. I guess it's worth it with a coupon for 100 free prints, but I don't see myself continuing to use their service after this. Maybe for bound books but that's it! I'm going back to my beloved Costco.
It was nice getting the 8x8 prints though, because I've never really SEEN them before. I always thought 8x8 would be too small for me to enjoy them... but I actually do like them a lot. After I finish 2007, 2008, and Greece/Turkey I might switch to 8x8 fully for future stuff. Except maybe vacation albums.
Here's my 8x8 prints:
That's all for now... more soon, I hope!